Myths About Memory Diseases You May Need Dispelled


There are a variety of conditions that can have profound impacts on a person's mental health. Sadly, there is ample misinformation and misconceptions that are fairly common, which may impact your ability to make informed treatment decisions.

Myth: Memory Diseases Only Impact The Elderly

It is common for individuals to make the assumption that memory diseases are a problem that only impacts elderly people. While these conditions may be more common in elderly individuals, it is possible for middle-aged individuals to develop early-onset dementia and Alzheimer's. This makes it important for individuals to speak with a doctor if they notice they are having increasing difficulties with remembering recent events and conversations, regardless of their age. It is important to understand that these symptoms are likely to develop very gradually, which may make it difficult to notice these symptoms.

Myth: Alzheimer's And Dementia Can Only Be Diagnosed When The Symptoms Become Severe

It is frequently thought that there is no way to diagnose Alzheimer's or dementia until the symptoms are extremely severe. While these conditions can be difficult to diagnose, there are steps that your doctor can take to help determine whether these conditions are present. For example, it may be beneficial to administer a memory test to the patient. It may also be possible to determine whether this condition is present through the use of sophisticated brain imaging tests. The exact steps for diagnosing this condition will vary based on the patient's symptoms and health history, and you may be required to go through numerous tests before your doctor is able to confidently give their diagnosis.

Myth: There Is Nothing That Can Be Done For Patient's With Alzheimer's Or Dementia

Patients that suspect they are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's may resist seeking treatment due to a belief that there is nothing that a doctor can do for these conditions. While it is true that these diseases can not be cured, there are effective symptom management strategies that may help to slow its progression. For example, it may be beneficial for a patient to undergo regular memory training exercises as this can help to slow the degradation of neural activity by keeping the brain stimulated. Also, there are some medications that may help patients to minimize the confusion and agitation that these conditions can cause. Due to the fact that these conditions are progressive, you will need to undergo regular evaluations by your doctor so that the treatments can be adjusted so they maintain effectiveness.

To learn more, contact a company that specializes in memory care.


20 January 2017

Recognizing Great Nursing Home Amenities

When I started looking for a care center for my mother, I decided that I needed to learn a little more about nursing home amenities. I wanted her to be in a safe, happy, fun place, but I didn't know what to look for. To make my search easier, I picked up a piece of paper and a pen and started calling different facilities. I made a list of all of the exciting, new features that places were offering, and then I showed the list to my mom. I let her decide where to stay and what she wanted to do. This blog is all about recognizing great nursing home amenities, so that you can keep the people that you love happy and content.