3 Ways To Help Your Loved One Feel Important And Loved While Living In A Nursing Home


When your loved one first moves into a nursing home, they are basically starting a new life in a new place. However, this doesn't meant that they shouldn't feel just as loved and cared for as they did when they were living at home, if not more. Here are three ways that you can help your loved one feel important and loved while living in a nursing home. 

Visit Often

When your loved one is first moved into a nursing home, it is going to be a huge change for them. They will be surrounded by people that they don't know initially, including doctors, nurses, and other residents. Because of this, it is only normal for them to have an adjustment period. A great way that you can help them during this time is to visit them often. Come at a time when they aren't busy, so that you are able to stay for a good amount of time to talk, help them with anything that they need, and otherwise just spend some time with them. They will enjoy being able to talk with you and seeing a familiar face will brighten their day. 

Bring Their Favorite Items From Home

Your loved one likely has several items at their home that they treasure and want to bring with them to the nursing home. While they likely won't have room to bring them all, you can bring the items that will fit in their room and are allowed. For example, you can bring some of their favorite pictures, books, games, blankets, etc. Having these items will help the nursing home feel more like home to them and they will love having all of their treasures close. 

Tell The Nurses And Doctors About Them 

While the nurses and doctors will quickly learn of your loved one's medical needs, they likely won't know much about who they are as a person. You can help the doctors and nurses to better understand your loved one by telling them a little bit about them. You can tell them about their interests, hobbies, background, or whatever else you can think of. This will help the nurses and doctors to better relate and interact with your loved one when they are giving them different types of medical treatment. This can really help your loved one feel like they are understood and cared about on a more personal level.

For more information, talk to a nursing home.


14 March 2016

Recognizing Great Nursing Home Amenities

When I started looking for a care center for my mother, I decided that I needed to learn a little more about nursing home amenities. I wanted her to be in a safe, happy, fun place, but I didn't know what to look for. To make my search easier, I picked up a piece of paper and a pen and started calling different facilities. I made a list of all of the exciting, new features that places were offering, and then I showed the list to my mom. I let her decide where to stay and what she wanted to do. This blog is all about recognizing great nursing home amenities, so that you can keep the people that you love happy and content.